Deployment Methods

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Sites generated using Almace Scaffolding can be deployed in nearly any web hosting services. A few of the most common deployment techniques are described below. More deployment methods please refer to Jekyll - Deployment methods.

Cloudflare Pages

The simplest way to deploy your AMSF site is using Cloudflare Pages. Just signup for Cloudflare and connect it with your GitHub account. Create a Pages project and use the following settings:

  • Framework preset: Jekyll
  • Build command: grunt build
  • Build output directory: _site

Web Hosting Providers (FTP/SFTP)

Just about any traditional web hosting provider will let you upload files to their servers over FTP. You can simply run the grunt build command and upload all files generated under _site to the HTTP root folder of your hosting account.


There’s a _deploy.yml at the root of your AMSF project containing a basic rsync configurations. Change these configurations to yours and then run:

$ grunt deploy:rsync

You can deploy it for specific environments, the following command will deploy your site to beta environment via rsync method you defined in _deploy.yml:

$ grunt deploy:rsync --env=beta

Amazon S3 (s3_website)

You can also deploy your site to Amazon S3 via s3_website, see s3_website.example.yml for more info.